Daniel 11:32 says, ‘…the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits’. (NKJV)
That’s you and me! We are a people who know our God…and I believe with all my heart that God wants to do EXTRAORDINARY things through YOU!
Throughout my life as a pastor, evangelist, author, psalmist, wife, and mother, I have learned that there are two ways to gain wisdom: mistakes and mentors.
I want to encourage and impart to you all that I have learned in my walk with the Lord, in my ministry, and in my life, so that you can bypass mistakes and walk confidently in wisdom and power to pursue all that God has called you to! You were created to walk in confidence, boldness, and authority…and JUST US MENTORING will encourage, challenge, equip, and mentor you to do just that!

JUST US MENTORING is designed to be a unique membership program that offers inspiration, education, impartation, and equipping to women who want to grow in ministry–all with the goal of seeing you step out in boldness and power to shift the atmosphere of your life and to encourage you as you journey through the process of building your “Faith Walk”. I believe that the zeal of God will consume you, overwhelm you, and overtake you to the point that you will never be the same again.
In the JUST US MENTORING program you will be challenged to walk daily in your devotion to the Lord, to step into your calling, and to pursue the dreams that God has placed deep within you. You will be equipped, empowered, and encouraged with online and on-campus training
and mentoring through:
ï‚· Monthly Mentoring Session with Judy Jacobs and the IIOM Team via Zoom Video.
ï‚· Private Online Community, housed through Facebook, where you can engage with others who are pursuing God and going after all that He has for them! Plus, great tools and resources are posted weekly such as: MENTORING MOMENTS with Judy Jacobs, a glimpse into Pastor Judy’s private journals and teachings, and spontaneous LIVE sessions for a quick encouragement, word, and revelation.
3 “On-Campus” sessions a year. The Main Event of the year is the PURSUIT WOMEN’S Conference. Those enrolled in the Just Us Mentoring Program will have a PRIVATE GROUP Mentoring Session before the conference begins. Plus, two other weekend INTENSIVES will be available for you to attend for FREE. These Intensives will provide hands-on training and impartation services with Judy Jacobs and the IIOM Team.
Get ready to come face-to-face with an anointing that you never knew was possible as you discover and develop your purpose and calling, walk in your God given authority, and find encouragement for your life, family, marriage, and ministry.
Are you ready to run faster, go deeper, and climb higher? If so, LET’S GO!
1) Fill out our online form by clicking here
2) Download our application and submit by mail
Mail Completed application to:
International Institute of Mentoring
Attn: Heather Jewirtt
519 Urbane Rd
Cleveland TN 37312
How do I join Just Us?
Click the link below to access the JUST US Application or download and complete the application and send to the IIOM Director (Info given on Application)
Once received, the application will be processed and you will be sent a confirmation email with all the details of how to get started.
*The application is just an avenue for us to know a little about you and how to best help you grow in your calling.
Is there a Mentoring Fee?
The heart of Judy Jacobs’ International Institute of Mentoring is to see everyone have access to the tools and resources needed to glean and grow in their calling and ministry.
For that reason, JUST US Mentoring is available on an OFFERING BASIS. We ask that you partner with us in a recurring monthly offering to help offset the cost that comes with training women locally and globally to advance the
Kingdom. Information on how to set up a monthly offering will be sent in your confirmation email after your application is processed.