I believe the weather we are experiencing right now is a picture of what is happening in the spiritual realm in this prophetic season.
Springtime is a time of changes in the weather. Temperatures are warming during this season; rain is prevalent; storms occur when cold air and warm air meet. We can be enjoying a beautiful sunny day, not knowing that a front is closely approaching from just a few miles away which will bring dark, boisterous clouds, heavy rain, hail, and strong winds.
Why does this happen? Is the sun not strong enough to overpower the storm? Are the elements hiding something that will hit when we least expect it?
We have weather alarms that sound when a dangerous storm is approaching. Ah, but in the Spirit, we have a source who knows all things about anything hidden that the enemy is conjuring up against us.
Like the weather, our nation’s spiritual climate is seemingly dark, boisterous, and threatening.
But the Spirit knows all things and He is sounding the alarm right now. These signs of the season prophetically signal what is happening in the heavenlies that we cannot see. The four words in the atmosphere right now are:
Sometimes in weather patterns, we cannot see the forces of nature that produce a storm. When very cold, dry air meets hot, moist air, there will be meteorological activity.
Let’s look at the 4 “C”s of this prophetic moment:
1. Collusion: America has just gone through a two-year ordeal in the government regarding collusion.
The meaning of COLLUSION is a secret meeting, especially for fraudulent purposes. However, nothing was proven in the case. BUT, there is collusion in the spiritual realm. Jesus said the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Satan will use whatever means and whosoever will to accomplish his dark desires and dastardly deeds.
Yet, our God is all-seeing and all-knowing. Even Jesus warned of wolves in sheep’s clothing. The Holy Spirit will warn us of impending danger. As I often sing, “God will turn it around.”
In the Old Testament, there is a story of collusion during wartime.
Every time the king of Syria made secret plans, Israel would find out through a prophetic occurrence. This happened on several occasions. The king wondered who the informer was, thinking that a spy was among his army. But one of his servants said:
“Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom” (2 Kings 6:12).
There is no collusion with God.
He was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Jesus was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world (see Revelation 13:8). All of the enemy’s secret plans and all of his collusion came to nothing as Christ won the victory over sin, death, hell, and the grave!
This spring season, it is up to us–the church–to pray, discern, and expose any collusion going on in the heavenly realm over our lives, our families, our churches, and our country.
We are not ignorant of the enemy’s devices. We must pray and seek the face of God to dismantle any kind of collusion that Satan is planning. Proverbs 19:21 says that many plans are made, but (by prayer) the Lord’s purpose will prevail. Isaiah warns that destruction is certain for those who try to hide their plans from the Lord, who try to keep Him in the dark concerning what they do (see 29:15).
2. Collision: Just like in the weather, there is a spiritual collision right now which produces storms.
The definition of “collision” is when two or more things clash or conflict. Ephesians 6:12 says that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.”
The cross was the place of the ultimate collision–where God and Satan warred. Oswald Chambers wrote that the cross “was the supreme triumph, and it shook the very foundations of hell. The cross was the place where God and sinful man merged with a tremendous collision and where the way to life was opened.”
If the heavens declare the glory of God, then they also portray what is going on in the spiritual realm.
Dark skies giving way to clearing and sky-blue pictures of beauty are a testimony to collisions that happen above. When Jesus died on the cross and arose from the dead, there was a collision of heaven and earth because Matthew recorded that there was a great earthquake.
It is not a coincidence that we have had severe, record-setting weather patterns the last few years.
This is a prophetic sign that there is war in the heavenlies. As I said in my book Take it by Force, “The war is still raging. He (Satan) is still after our stuff, our children, our marriages, our minds, and our bodies. He is still trying to get God, and … his ultimate goal is to stop the plan of God in your life” (page 41).
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3. Next, there is COALITION.
A “coalition” is a coming together, a union, or an alliance of factions or forces for a specific purpose. Sometimes, in a storm, we face many dangers:
strong winds;
heavy rain;
lightning strikes;
or even large hail.
Depending on the weather conditions that arise, the National Weather Service will issue watches or even warnings. And the warning they send out is usually to say, “Seek shelter immediately.”
The Holy Spirit is telling us the same thing in this hour: Seek shelter immediately.
In this season, the Holy Spirit is not only revealing secret or hidden motives, but also alerting us to dangers the enemy has forged. And when a storm is arising, seeking shelter in the Almighty is the correct course of action.
Psalm 91 says that we can dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide in His shelter (His refuge), where we will not fear events of terror, pestilence, or destruction. In addition, Proverbs 10:25 promises that when the storm has passed, the wicked will be no more and the righteous will still be standing firm!
As we meet and pray together in our churches, we form a holy coalition for the specific purpose of discerning the Lord’s will and praying it into being. When we do this, we obtain shelter under the shadow of the Almighty.
4. The last “C” is COMBINATION:
Sometimes there is a combination of elements or entities that merge or blend together against us. Atmospheric conditions– like high humidity, elevated dew points, and daytime heat–can be conducive to enlarging or even intensifying spring storms.
Like these different elements, sometimes the enemy hits us with multiple things at one time.
The best way to get through a storm is to be:
ABIDING — being in Christ;
AWARE — watching;
ALERT — sensing in the Spirit; and
AWAKE — having eyes wide open.
How do we prepare and prevail?
The Bible states that we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). Jesus even gave a lesson on discerning and interpreting the weather. He said, “When it is evening you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red’; and in the morning, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times” (from Matthew 16:2-3).
Saints, we are to study spiritual signs in the heavenly climate just as we study the weather and prepare for its arrival.
Things are heating up. All the elements are coming together more frequently and with greater intensity. As we pray, God will give us wisdom to interpret the signs, to sense any collusions, to spot any collisions, to perceive any coalitions, and to notice any combinations. When we receive any spiritual alerts in these areas, we can pray and dismantle the darkness.
Prevention through prayer is always better than disaster relief.
We must have our spiritual radars tuned to the Source when anything begins to form or shows up. The signs of the times are all around us.
Are we perceiving? Are we in tune with the Holy Spirit?
The prophetic word for this season is Isaiah 60:1-2: “Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.”
Is the Lord speaking to you about discerning His signs and seasons? Is He highlighting something from this word in your spirit? Please leave a comment below and tell me about it!