There are a lot of things that come to mind when you start talking about your future.
When you consider a job; a mate; where you’re going to live, eat, and sleep; what you are going to wear, etc., the options and decisions are endless. These are all things your future needs if you don’t already have them.
But today I want you to look with me at some things your future needs in the Spirit-realm.
Jeremiah 29:11 says,
“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” God is always concerned with our needs, just as good parents are concerned for their children’s needs.
Our loving Heavenly Father is our great example.
Philippians 4:19 says,
“My God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Proverbs 29:18 says,
“Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint.”
I believe vision will not let a person sleep. Vision is exciting and God-fueled; and if you will let vision and faith operate, then you WILL SEE full manifestation.
I believe there are people reading this blog who believe in the future, and who know that God’s plan and purposes will prevail for them. You genuinely know that God loves you AND wants to supply your needs.
Related: Say It and See It!
How can you make sure that your future has all that it needs?
Four ways:
1). Honor the past and the best part of your life–and be loyal to your future at the same time.
The Bible says that Joseph was a dreamer–and his brothers hated him for it. They also hated him because he was the son of his father’s old age, so his father loved him more than he loved most of his other sons.
God began to show Joseph dreams about his future. As he shared them with his family, they became so jealous of him that the Bible says they couldn’t even speak peaceably to him. Even his father raised his eyebrows at a couple of things that Joseph dreamed–but Joseph never stopped dreaming.
You know the story. Years later, after Joseph became second in command of Egypt, his brothers came to him asking for help. They didn’t know who he was at first. When he finally revealed to his brothers who he really was, it was obviously very overwhelming for them all.
When Joseph’s brothers took the news back to his aging father, the Bible says that Issac regained his strength and just could hardly wait to see his son whom he thought was dead. Joseph’s father and entire family–all 70 of them–joined Joseph in Egypt and settled in the land of Goshen.
As time went on, Joseph’s father passed away. All of a sudden, fear began to rise up in the brothers’ hearts.
Here is where I want to speak to you:
There will come a time in your life when fear will raise its ugly head and tell you that the past has been good and that you have lived and seen your best days.
But that devil is a liar.
Your best days are still ahead of you.
Those are the times when you have to make your mind up that you will be loyal to your future:
Loyal to the future that has been spoken over you;
Loyal to the prophecies that have been declared over you;
Loyal to the prayers that have been poured out for you; and
Loyal to the sacrifices made for your future.
You have to be so loyal to your future that you will not give up on it.
In Genesis 50:20-21, Joseph said:
“‘You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. Therefore do not be afraid, I will provide for you and your little ones.’ So Joseph reassured his brothers and spoke kindly to them.”
The Bible goes on to say that Joseph lived to be 110 years of age. I would dare say that he definitely stayed loyal to his future and the future of his family, AND SO WILL YOU!
I just declare to you today that the rest of you is the best of you!
Absolutely go ahead and celebrate what God has done, and to God be all the glory. BUT, don’t forget, “eyes hath not seen and ears hath not heard …. ” what God has prepared for your future. BELIEVE IT! Believe in your future!
2). Your future needs for you to be dissatisfied with the status quo!
In Psalm 78:3-7, David is saying, ‘I’m going to tell you something … stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us.’
He says:
“We’ve heard true stories from our fathers about our rich heritage. We will continue to tell our children and not hide from the rising generation the great marvels of our God — his miracles and power that have brought us all this far. The story of Israel is a lesson in God’s ways. He established decrees for Jacob and established the law in Israel, and he commanded our forefathers to teach them to their children. For perpetuity God’s ways will be passed down from one generation to the next, even to those not yet born. In this way, every generation will have a living faith in the laws of life and will never forget the faithful ways of God” (Psalm 78:3-7 TPT).
David basically said, “I want the heart of the next generation.”
I can’t be happy with “just enough,” “vanilla,” “just barely getting by.” I’ve got to be ON FIRE for my God.
There is more to life than the latest movie. There’s more to life than a dog named Butch or the latest model of a car. We have purpose. We have a world to reach, and we will only reach them by the power of the Holy Spirit
I want the heart of this next generation.
I want my children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbors, and the people in our church and our community. This next generation needs to see signs and wonders. I’m writing to some people that need to know that you are next in line to be used by God.
Here’s one thing I KNOW:
I can’t be satisfied with religion and NOT REVIVAL!
I can’t be satisfied with ritual and NO REVELATION.
Even as you read this, who will say to this generation of….
YouTube; and
all the other social media platforms …
… that God has anointed you? YOU are up to take this nation and the nations of the world like a mighty wind.
Related: The Lord Is Giving You a Second Wind
3). Your future needs for you to lean forward toward God, not toward your pain of failure.
First Timothy 4:13 says,
“The devil is the accuser of the brethren” As a matter of fact, John even said in Revelation that the devil “accuses us before our God day and night” (Revelation 12:10). The devil is always there to remind you of what you did or didn’t do. But I love what Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice, and a stranger they will not follow” (John 10:27).
We know the voice of our Father.
It is so easy to lean into your pain and regrets, allowing the devil to rehearse negative things over and over in your mind like a continuous playback. But, you can’t allow that if you’re going to be loyal to your future. You have to be ready to let the enemy know that there is a blood line that he can’t cross.
The Holy Spirit through the prophet Isaiah reminds us in Isaiah 43:18-19:
“But forget all that–it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness.”
I believe that here is a word of the Lord for someone reading this:
Your future depends on it. Your family depends on it. The prophecies that have been spoken over your life depend on it. Everything you’re depending on to see God do the IMPOSSIBLE in your life depends on the decisions you make right now.
Here’s what I have learned about pain:
Pain breaks things down and forces us to focus on ourselves, but pain can give you power to prevail.
Case in point:
First Samuel 30 talks about how the Amalekites came and stole everything from David, including his wives and children. The Bible explains the dire peril that David and his men were in. Verse four says
“So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep.”
Then, look at verse 6:
“David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David encouraged himself in the Lord.”
Sometimes there will be no one around to encourage you but yourself.
This is the key to victory. You may have to look YOURSELF in the mirror and begin to declare what the Word says about you:
“I am the healed of the Lord!”
“My house will be saved!”
“The joy of the Lord IS my strength!”
“I am an overcomer!”
Look what happens after David encouraged himself. The Bible says that he began to lean toward the Lord for guidance. He asked God, “Shall I pursue this raiding party? Will I overtake them?”
God’s answer was a resounding “YES! Go after them and pursue them.”
The end result:
David got his wives back;
He got his sons and daughters back;
David could have cried and just sat and said, “Woe is me”–but he didn’t. He got up and did something. AND SO WILL YOU!
4). Your future needs you to never quit!
Where are all the generals today? David said,
“Help, Lord, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race” (Psalms 12:1 NIV).
Where are the people who are:
Carrying revival;
Declaring; and
Operating in miracles, signs, and wonders?
Acts 13:36 declares:
“For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption …”
Always remember:
It’s not how you start; it’s how you finish!
Let me just speak some things over your life right now…
Take your future from this point forward. Let the devil know you are victorious through the blood of Jesus!
Your future needs you to be loyal to your dreams:
Your future needs you to remember and celebrate the good things of the past, but PRESS TOWARD the best things ahead of you.
Your future needs you to be (or become) dissatisfied with the status quo.
Your future needs you push into God and forget your pain.
Your future needs you to NEVER QUIT.
That’s right: never, never, never quit.
God has a new thing for you TODAY.
What will you do to go out and receive it? Leave a comment below and tell me what the Lord is saying to you!