All my life, I have had a desire to seek hard after God. I believe this is the heart of every believer; we are always after “the seek”:
Seeking to get stronger in God;
Seeking to get more persistent in faith;
Seeking to gain a greater boldness and authority.
This Christian life is definitely a “seek.” The book of Jeremiah says it like this:
“Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me (as a vital necessity) and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13 AMP).
“The seek” is always the secret.
We are required to searching for God with all our heart in order to find Him in all of His glory. That’s what Jesus instructed us to do when He told us about the greatest commandment:
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
What an amazing invitation He has put before us!
God Himself has invited us to love Him–and to find Him–when we seek Him with all our heart. The promise is that you will have all you need when you do this! I love it when David said, in Psalm 27:4:
“One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple.”
Really, all Jesus wants is our “seek.”
He has promised that:
When we seek, we will find;
when we ask, we shall receive; and
when we knock, the door shall be opened.
The ultimate reward for our “seek” is that, one day, “we shall behold Him face to face,” as Dottie Rambo wrote several years ago in her classic song. But the questions still remain for us now:
How do I go about seeking after Him with all my heart?
How can I get closer to Him?
What is it that will keep fire alive in my spirit?
Some of the things I love to do as I seek Him include:
1) Keep reminders of Him all over our house.
I love to display pictures, beautiful sayings, proverbs, and Scriptures that remind us of His faithfulness. This is what Solomon told us to do in Proverbs 4:20-21, when he said:
“My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart.”
Moses went as far as to say, “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.” To this day, I have observed our Jewish brothers on planes and in airports with the Scriptures on their ‘tefillin,’ observing this commandment. What commitment and dedication they have!
When we are reminded of who the Lord is in our lives, then He in turn will be on our minds constantly.
2) I love to let Him know how much I depend on Him constantly throughout the day.
“Pray without ceasing” is how Paul put it. There are so many things that come to steal our peace and distract us from Jesus. Yet, Jesus assures us in Isaiah, “Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because He trusts in thee.”
Prayer is the one act that will keep you so close to Him, abiding in His presence, when you are seeking Him.
David even said, “Early in the morning, O Lord, will I seek you.” We all know there is something about that early morning “seek”–in giving God your firstfruits of the day–that causes you to walk in His peace. This peace came to us with a price. The price was the precious blood of Jesus, and He wants you to seek His face throughout the day so that you can dwell in that peace.
3) As you can almost imagine, worship is paramount in our home.
Worship music is in our home, our cars, and even outside as we relax with each other on our deck. Worship is the oxygen to every believer’s life. Worship will get you through, bring you out, take you in, and carry you forth.
Worship is the one thing that the enemy wants to destroy and silence in every believer’s life. He knows that, if he can get us to be silent, to worry, to fret, and to be anxious, then the furthest thing from our minds will be worship.
The truth is, though, that WORSHIP is the first thing we should do when all these things begin to attack our lives. Worship destroys all the enemy’s tactics, schemes, and plans for your life.
Wanna know how to get into “the seek”? Then worship is the access code.
4) Ever since my husband and I even began dating, and especially since we have been married (and even when our girls were small), the Word of God has been paramount and a strong part of all of our lives.
The Word is the final authority and we keep it exactly where it belongs. The Word of God is the #1 weapon against our enemy. When we speak the living and breathing Word of the Lord, demons tremble. They can’t stand to hear the Word of God being declared in power and in authority.
David said, “Thy Word have I hid in my heart.” One of the keys to going after God is to meditate on His word day and night, and keep it close to your heart.
5) The “seek” always involves gathering together with one another in a growing, thriving, Spirit-filled community.
The book of Hebrews reminds us not to “forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another, and so much more as you see that day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). So, finding people of like faith, like spirit, like destiny, and like-anointing is vital in “the seek.”
Being with people who are after the same thing that you are–Jesus–marks you as a believer. The Bible is full of admonitions to stay away from bad company, stating often that bad company corrupts your character.
There will always be an enemy telling us that your promise from God will never happen.
The enemy will tell you “Stop trying; you’re trying too hard; you’re not trying hard enough; it’s impossible …” and will spew out a thousand other lies.
There’s one thing you need to know about the devil; and that is that he moves with a tiny bit of truth and a whole bunch of lies. For example:
You may find yourself with a headache, and the devil will tell you that it’s a brain tumor.
You may have a stomachache, and he will tell you it’s an ulcer.
Your husband is late coming home, and the devil will tell you he’s with another woman.
The devil will take a little truth and put a whole lot of lie with it. BUT, we don’t have to listen to the lies …
… Because the WORD, our final authority, says:
The fact may be that you may have a headache, but the truth is, “By His stripes we are healed.”
The fact may be that you may have a tummy ache, but the truth is you probably ate too much pizza. 🙂
The fact may be your husband is late coming home; but the truth is that there may be a reason for his delay.
Don’t listen to the enemy’s lies! We have the power to tell him to “shut up!”
“The seek” is very real, every single day.
I get up every day wondering if today is the day that I will finally get to that place that I have been yearning for. It’s always an “if,” because I don’t think that we will ever be able to reach the Lord quite as much as we yearn to. Even as He allows us to find Him, He also moves on us in order to keep us hungry. But as for me, I’m always seeking and moving in forward motion toward Him!
Are you fully engaged in “the seek” today? Or, do you need to re-fire your “seek”? Tell me your thoughts in the comment section below!