Have you been wondering if your path in life has any purpose at all? Do you worry about which direction you are going–unsure if you’re on the right road?
If so, the Lord wants you to know today that your path has purpose, and your movement has meaning!
For the Spirit of the Lord would say:
“I have given you real and tangible ways to help you with the things that concern you:
My Word!
My Blood!
My Name!
The power of agreement with other fellow believers!
These are just a few of the ways I have given you that you can use to conquer. I have never left you helpless; but I am with you, beside you, and carrying you, My child. Just as I told My servant Joshua:
“Be strong and very courageous … follow my commands and then you will prosper in everything you do” (Joshua 1:8),
I have already ordained your prosperity and success.
It is My good pleasure to do this for you. I don’t want you to focus too much on what is ahead of you, wondering whether you’ll be able to cope with the things that are coming against you–or even wondering what the future may hold. Only I know what the future really holds, so you can trust Me with the timing in this season. As it says in Romans 8:28, you can trust that all things work together for the good of those who love Me and who are called according to My purpose.
I am the only one who fully understands what you are capable of, and My promise is that I will never put more on you than you are able to bear (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Know that I can alter any circumstance gradually or dramatically.
In fact, I can widen the path you are walking on right now. I can make your path a large area for walking, and even a running area where you can experience My freedom, joy, and wonder.
Know that I am very strategically involved in all of your life, from the smallest to the greatest degree.
Right now, I am looking down upon you, My child. I have a plan that will protect you from unnecessary hardships that the enemy wants to use to wreak havoc on your life. I only ask in this journey of your life that you trust Me, talk to Me, and lean on My arms with joyful dependence.
There will be times when I will not remove all of the troubles in your life, but I will order your steps and I will keep you from harm. I have promised that “I will broaden the path beneath you so that you don’t even turn your ankle” (Psalm 18:36).
Movement is happening right now.
Movement is happening in your life! Movement is in your family! Movement is in your finances and in your path. I declare today that My movement is making a change in you right now:
Trouble is moving!
Despair is moving!
Hopelessness is moving!
There is a GREAT EXCHANGE COMING. In exchange for trouble, despair, and hopelessness, joy is moving in! Peace is moving in! Deep satisfaction is moving into the place that used to be occupied by co-dependency, addictions, and unfulfilled dreams.
I only ask that you keep pace with Me!
Run with the vision that I have given you and know the vision comes from Me. The cloud is moving; move with the cloud! The fire is moving; move with the fire! I have put it there.
This is the season when I want to resurrect the dreams and visions that I strategically placed inside of you even while you were in your mother’s womb.
I am conforming you into My image.
My desire is for you to relinquish the comfort of having to know every detail, as My servant Abraham had to do. My Word declares that, “By faith Abraham … went out, not knowing where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8). But the one thing Abraham knew was that he was at least in motion. He knew I had made him a promise, and that “I could swear by none other, so I swore by myself that I would keep My promises” to Abraham.
Just like I kept My promises to Abraham, I will keep my promises to you (Hebrews 6:13). I am your Good Shepherd, and the Good Shepherd will never lead His sheep astray.
My Word to you today is that your path has purpose and your movement has meaning.
I have begun a good work and it is a great work! It is an anointed work! It is a mighty work! Rest assured, My child: in Me you live and move and have your being. Don’t fear the movement, for I am working in all of the details so that the details conform to My will!
For I the Lord would encourage you:
“Wait on the Lord, and be of good courage. Be still and know that I am God.” For I would say to you, “My arm is not too short to save, nor is My ear too dull to hear.” Behold, this is a special time when I am causing you to become aware of My presence.
There is a new level of My presence and glory that I want to reveal to you.
This glory is a glory that Moses knew. This glory is a glory that Paul encountered. This glory is a glory that Peter, James, and John experienced on the Mountain of Transfiguration. This is a glory that I have reserved for whomever I wish to give it to. I will be found by those who diligently seek after Me.
Are you a seeker? I am seeking after you! You didn’t find Me; I found you! I left the ninety-nine to go looking for that one lost sheep, and you were the one that I found. I have cherished and cared for you all along the way.
My will is that you will be with Me one day, to behold My glory and to see all the things that I have prepared for you in advance. I have made the way. I have made the sacrifice. I have made it simple enough so that even a fool could understand.
In your weakness I am made strong, so don’t lean on the arm of flesh. Instead, lean heavily upon My grace and faithfulness. My grace and faithfulness will carry you and sustain you through these difficult days that you will see before My return.
Keep steady as a rock, and keep your eyes and your heart fixed on Me.
I can assure you: it will ALL be worth it soon if you will not faint,” Says the Lord of hosts!
Glory to the Living God! Does this word confirm what the Lord has been quickening in your spirit? Leave a comment below and tell me what the Spirit of God is saying to you!
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